Mađđi Pre-opening – In pictures
Mađđi is a new interdisciplinary art and culture space in Tromsø focusing on art and culture across Sápmi and internationally. The creative force behind the ambitious project is the following eleven art professionals; Maria Utsi, Joar Nango, Hanne Hammer Stien, Geir Tore Holm, Nasra Ali Omar, Gaute Barlindhaug, Sigbjørn Skåden, Mathias Danbolt, Bodil Kjelstrup, Gisle løkken and Helga Marie Nordby. For almost two years the group worked together shaping this concept. On December 10th and 11th the people of Tromsø were given the opportunity to visit Skippergata 15 (an old slaughterhouse) to get a promising and festive glimpse of how they plan to develop Mađđi in the coming years.
All photos by Inger Emilie Solheim
For a written report you may read Hilde Sørstrøm’s take on Mađđi (in norwergian) at