Om Hakapik 

Hakapik er et kunstkritisk nettmagasin med mål om å utforske og analysere kunstproduksjonen i nordområdene, da hovedsakelig i Nord-Norge og Tromsø.

Hakapik publiserer anmeldelser, intervjuer, kommentarer, essays og fotoserier.

Ansvarlig redaktør er Hilde Sørstrøm.

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Hakapik utgis av H.Sørstrøm (ENK), Tromsø.

ISSN 2704-050X

Avgang Tromsø 2021: Magnus Tomt

Avgang Tromsø 2021: Magnus Tomt

I intervjuserien Avgang Tromsø 2021 har Hakapik snakket med alle nyutdannede kunstnere fra Kunstakademiet i Tromsø. Her møter vi Magnus Tomt som presenterte verkene Cocaine Abstraction 1 (2021), Cocaine Abstraction 2 (2021) og Help I’ve Od’d on Philosphy! (2021) på årets avgangsutstilling for bachelorstudentene.

Abstraction is key in all his works presented in the BA degree show, says Magnus Tomt. The young art graduate compares Tromsø to an old techno-raver, doesn’t like explaining his art and thinks artists in general should loosen up and read more home decor signs.

By Marion Bouvier, Hilde Sørstrøm

What was the process, both technically and conceptually, of making the vinyl prints you presented in the degree show at Tromsø Kunstforening? 

– I think that the lack of process is a more meaningful and interesting approach when talking about my work, and I would claim that I’m not working process-based at all. There’s of course a technical process involved in the making, which in this case is printmaking. But the technical process of printmaking is less interesting to me and is simply pragmatic.

– I also think it’s important as an artist to keep your cards close to your chest, almost like a magician. You never see magicians revealing their tricks before the act, which I think more artists should strive for. I personally hate when artists try to explain their work. I want to see more magic, I guess. 

The titles of your three artworks refer to drugs. How did you come up with these titles? 

– The titles kind of presented themselves to me in a strange way, almost like the works demanded to be titled in a specific way or something. So yeah, they might seem to be referencing drugs, but they really don’t. Abstraction is nevertheless key in all the works, and I suppose that "drugs" makes it a bit more spicy. Maybe too spicy, but that’s not up to me to decide anyway. 

How has studying in Tromsø influenced your art practice? 

– Tromsø is a strange and wonderful place, and you meet all sorts of people which are located in Tromsø for totally different reasons. So Tromsø has definitely influenced my practice, even though it might be hard to describe in exactly what way. I think Tromsø is like this “old techno-raver”, hardcore and a bit slow at the same time, which is truly great. 

What are some of your other influences? 

– I think that influences are difficult to talk about mainly because the word kind of implies this pregiven framework of assumptions on how art is being produced. So maybe the best way to answer that question would be to say that I really don’t have any specific influences within my practice. But on the other hand, I can really enjoy the aesthetic qualities found in Club-Mate bottles, (I love them so much(!), even if they’re a little too cool for school), which maybe could categorize as an influence? 

What are your plans now that you graduated from the art academy? 

– My plan for now is to focus on art-making and just relaxing for a while. Making some art here and there, but also just don’t worry too much about it. I think artists in general needs to loosen more up, learn to enjoy more, and worry less. Almost like what these signs you can buy at your local home décor shop tells you. Artists should spend more time reading home décor signs.

Avgang Tromsø 2021: Olga Gry Becker

Avgang Tromsø 2021: Olga Gry Becker

Avgang Tromsø 2021: Terje Grimen

Avgang Tromsø 2021: Terje Grimen